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The Nordlands Lag of America and Canada is an organization of descendants of immigrants from the Norwegian Countys of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark in the United States and Canada.

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Nordlandslaget Bygdelag (Big-dah) (l-ah-g)

Bygdelag are organizations (Norwegian lag) comprised of descendants who emigrated from specific localities in Norway to North America

Nordlandslag (Nord-lands-log) Is the lag/lodge/organization for the three Fylkes (Countys) of northern Norway

Since 1909 Nordlandslaget has brought together Norway immigrants and their North American descendants from the Fylkes of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. Through our publications, annual stevner (yearly conventions and get-togethers) we strive to provide opportunities for our membership to learn more about their ancestors and the area of Norway they left behind.

The Lag provides genealogical assistance and research support to its members, seeks to preserve the historical traditions of its immigrant ancestors and strengthen bonds with their ancestral home in Norway.

In the first decade of the last century  immigrants and their descendants from specific areas of Norway began organizing into lags (organizations). Annual stevner (meetings) brought them together to renew acquaintances, catch up on news from the Old Country and pass along their heritage to successive American generations.  First generation nordlanders created our Lag in 1909 and it has continued to bring their descendants together for over one hundred years.  

Todays Lag provides a unique window on our Norse ancestors and continuity and connection with the rich heritage of that special part of Norway called Northern Norway.
If your roots are in Northern Norway consider becoming a member - research your family roots - attend a Stevner - but most of all ... Enjoy the site!

We invite you to spend some time on our website and learn more about our Nordlandslaget bygdelag (big-del-log) and the culture and communitys of Northern Norway.

Below is a chart (provided by general council, the Bygdelagenes Fellesraad) showing the many United States and Canada lags for the 21 countys of Norway.

This website is created and mantained by unpaid volunteers (members of Nordlandslaget) with limited web design experience. Be considerate of the problems or corrections you spot. Send me corrections or suggestions and I will fix asap. Thanks. mwick4249@comcast.net

Last updated: 1/22/2025 12:39:20 PM by E.A.Rodi